Monument Against Apartheid And Racism

In 1986 The Monument against Apartheid and Racism by Dutch sculptor Pépé Grégoire was revealed by mayor Ed van Thijn at Krugerplein in Amsterdam East to celebrate the opening of the ANC (African National Congress) office in Amsterdam. The relation between arm and leg stands for human unity in diversity. The unnatural separation is the deliberate denial of that unity. The statue is placed in the Transvaal neighbourhood, which has a historical bond with South-Africa.

At the other side of the Krugerplein, corner Pretoriusstraat, there's a Mandela mosaic 'Unity in Diversity' by Steffen Maas
At the other side of the Krugerplein, corner Pretoriusstraat, there's a Mandela mosaic 'Unity in Diversity' by Steffen Maas
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